I am in Kigali, Rwanda for 7 weeks teaching in a school, hosting ladies bible studies, checking on One27 kids and hanging out with my friends! (June 2nd - July 23rd)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Final Weeks

It is hard for me to believe that I only have 3 weeks left here in Rwanda. The time has FLOWN by! It has been an incredible experience for me. I am a mixture of emotions, sad to be leaving yet also looking forward to the end of an amazing summer.

I have not updated in a while so I hope I do not leave anything out! Today was our last official teaching day in the school, next week we will be doing some observation and saying goodbye to each class. We are going to have a celebration of bananas and cookies and just play and hang out with our sweet little students for the last time. This week we taught about Jesus' death and resurrection in Bible and shapes and colors in English. I am in awe of these little ones, they learn so fast and are very advanced in their studies learning English and French. I was able to present the wordless book and Katy played a fun "color and shape" relay game with the kids. We also both listened as they recited their memory verse and handed out stickers (they are a really big deal to kids here too--very universal). It was a good week for us. The week after next marks the beginning of "summer break" for school kids here so we will not be in Nabycindu but rather focusing on more ministry in different areas that week.

We were able to visit with some friends Kristen and I made last year, a missionary couple living here from Canada. Kathleen and Bruno invited us over to lunch Sunday afternoon and have invited us back over tonight for dinner. Kathleen is a great cook and it always feels like a little piece of home when I visit them. Sunday morning Katy and I went to see Andre' and Alivera at their church just a short walk up the road from the Ligue. Andre' is a pastor here we have worked with through an organization called ALARM (African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries) on some of my past team trips. It was so cool because they were some of the first people we saw here in Rwanda and we just happened to run into them at our favorite pizza joint Sole' Luna (yes pizza in Rwanda, it is actually delicious, we love it!) our first night in Kigali. We hope to possibly work with them during our last full week in Rwanda.

Our bible studies are still going strong on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Mary is still recovering from her infection and we hope to start our Thursday study back up when she is able to be with us again. The topical study on prayer has been great with the Wednesday small group, we are now in week 3 of that. Katy and I always walk away saying that we both feel things were translated and understood well. Kezia', Esron's wife who translates, is doing such a great job--we could not ask for someone better. It has been a blessing to reflect back on our time with the ladies in these studies, we have made some lasting friendships and have learned so much from them too. I have a deep respect for the women of this country. We are excited to have a good amount of time left to spend with them.

This past Tuesday was Rwanda's Independence Day holiday and therefore school was cancelled. Sarah and Sylvan asked us to go to a Rwandan soccer game since we were free that day and it was SO much fun. I am a fan for sure now! We had great seats, really close to the players and in the shade. We were thrilled to be there, though Sylvan's team lost. It was a nice break that helped us continue on this week, it also made me feel a little closer to the culture because everybody is crazy over footbal (pretty much everywhere but the U.S.). We felt as if we were the only Mzungu's there!

This morning we said goodbye to the team from Michigan, they returned safely from Kigufi and we were pretty sad to see them leave us! Sarah and Sylvan have just a week left after 3 months here, they leave next Saturday. We will miss them so much!

Specific Prayer Requests:

Michigan team--for safe travel home to the States
Mary-- for continued recovery from her severe infection
Esron and Kezia'--they are both so tired and in need of good rest and time together as a family
Providence-- one of my favorite teachers at the school, she is ill and in the hospital (she is so dedicated and obviously enjoys her profession as a teacher which I admire gretaly)
Sarah and Sylvan--as they prepare to complete the difficult task of saying goodbye
Katy and I --continued health and saftey (like I have been saying, we have been extremely blessed) and for the physical and spititual strength we will need to complete these last 3 weeks.

That said, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY everyone! Be safe, have fun and thank God for the country we live in. Wishing I was celebrating with you all!

*(Mom, Dad, Dean, Jack, Aunt Connie and Uncle John,
Pop some fire crackers for me and don't have TOO much fun at the lake without me! Love ya'all!!)


Gary and Sally said...

Happy Fourth of July to You! We could never have as much FUN without you. We are praying God will give you strength these next couple of weeks. Saying goodbye will be hard. We love you and miss you. Ma

Natalie said...

Hey Melissa! Thanks for another wonderful update. I'm always in awe of the things God continues to do through you and Katy and the ways He continues to bless you and meet your needs.

I will certainly continue to pray for you and thank God for what He has done and what He will do through you in the remaining weeks.

Love and Hugs, Natalie