I am in Kigali, Rwanda for 7 weeks teaching in a school, hosting ladies bible studies, checking on One27 kids and hanging out with my friends! (June 2nd - July 23rd)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Last days

Well, I have now been in Rwanda for what has felt like a very short amount of time but has actually been 2 months. Again, I am a MESS of emotions about leaving. The things God has done in me here have been beyond my imaginantion. I always change in some way while in Rwanda and this time it has been no different and in in fact has been more powerful than before. I absolutley love this culture, I have experienced such incredible hospitality, love and fellowship among them. They value people over time, schedules and frantic bussines. I feel renewed and encouraged by my friends and the relationships that have been grown more and more. How do I begin to say goodbye? It seems like an impossible task! But, by God's grace, I will be back in the USA in 4 days, so it is one I will have to accept, I know. I also know that resisiting the urge to plunge back into the rat-race will be difficult, and eventually it will happen in some way, but my prayer has been that I will take what I have learned and spend more time with what matters. God has shown me how much I love and value my family, my friends (especially those who are so far away from me in the US now--you know who you are ;), and how I have missed their presence in my life these past months, I have taken it for granted.

Being in Rwanda this summer has been an unforgettable experience and leaving is going to be tough, BUT in honesty I am ready to be back in Texas! I am craving barbeque like none other! Rudy's will be my first stop after Bush Intercontinental!, I also want a hot shower and my own bed and not to be living out of a suitcase!

But altogether, I feel like I have done what God has brought me here to do and that now it is time to move on to what He has next. I cannot wait to show everyone my pictures and talk to anyone who will listen! Be back soon!

For you who are interested, here is the last week in a nutshell:

Tuesday-Wednesday: The rest of the youth training went great! We had a nice q and a time and enjoyed getting to know some of the younger Remera CEER members.

Wednesday: Our last meeting with my favorite group of ladies went great! We were able to share Fanta's and mindazi together and just laugh and have fun. They danced for us and asked us to join in-which we got on video tape ;)-it was hilarious!

Thursday: Kathleen and Bruno (our Canadian friends) took us to visit a hospital way out in the countryside of Rwanda. It was an amazing place, very beautiful and the people there are doing some fantastic things with healthcare. It is designed to take a wholistic community approach and reach those in the most rural and poor areas. It was filled with people, yet it was a truly peaceful environment. They don't just treat and release people, but look at the whole picture. It was very cool. We also were able to go into Akagera National Park, which was very nearby, for lunch after our tour. We visited the lodge there and it was very quiet and had an amazing view of the lake-- so pretty. We also saw a monkey and a pack of warthogs! That day was really an unexpected treat for both of us.

Friday: In the morning we went to visit the Alivera and the DORCAS women. We were able to truly work alongside them and feel like strong African women (only for about an hour though)! They dressed us up and everything and we even carried dirt in buckets on our heads! Good times. We also had our last study with our group that normally met on Thursdays, they too brought out with the traditional Rwandan dance for us. So fun! We will miss this group of women.

Saturday : Today we had our last bible study of the trip. It was again a sweet time and lots of fun. (Fanta's and mindazi helped us celebrate once again ;) We are looking forward to tomorrow and going to church one last time in Remera.

As for the few days we have left we have no definite plans other than to take advantage of any opportunity God puts in front of us. (We also plan on eating as many avacodoes, bananas and maracuja's, aka passion fruit, as possible!)

Please pray for Katy and I for continued health and safe travel.

Again MURAKOZE CHANE CHANE (thank you all very very much!) for reading and for praying. I look forward to seeing everyone!

Imana igue umagisha,

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I had tears in my eyes as I read this, Melissa! It's always so awesome to read how God is working in your heart as you minister to others! I have no doubt that you will bring those lessons back with you and perhaps teach all of us a thing or two about what's most important. :)

Thank you so much for taking us along for this journey. I'm continuing to pray that your remaining time there will be used in the way God sees fit and I will definitely continue praying for you even once you return home!

Prayers for continued good health and a safe trip being said daily!

Much Love, Natalie