I am in Kigali, Rwanda for 7 weeks teaching in a school, hosting ladies bible studies, checking on One27 kids and hanging out with my friends! (June 2nd - July 23rd)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Home in the U.S.A.

Hey guys! Well, I guess you all know by now that we made it home! Back in the good 'ol USA! We had a decent flight home and were only delayed by 7 hours in London. We arrived in Houston in the early morning hours and I did not actually fall asleep until 5am that morning. My body has NO idea what time it should be...but I am beginning to catch up I think..slowly ;)

I am happy to be home yet missing my home in Rwanda. It is a weird feeling, my body is here and my mind is back in Africa! I wake up sometimes having dreamt of Rwanda and not knowing exactly where I was!

Many of you have prayed for our safe travel and return and I am so thankful for each of you! I cannot wait to share stories and chat and show you all my pictures! I look forward to telling you any and everything I can, I would love to meet with anyone who wants to listen. Just let me know! Thank you all again, those words are not enough to express how I feel about each of you for following God's call on you to support me financially and through your mighty prayers! This summer was truly incredible and the things God did there were amazing. May you be blessed!

Imana igue umagisha,

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Welcome Home, Melissa! It was so wonderful being able to share in the journey with you through this blog. Your posts touched my heart as each one was a testiment to God's grace and His favor on you as you followed His direction and in doing so, changed lives forever!

I'll continue to pray for you as I know God is up to even greater things in your life and He's going to continue using you in incredible ways!

Thsnk you again for sharing your stories and journey with us!

Love and Hugs,
